

Posted by Lisa Jackson on 29th May 2018

Many of us feel a bit of colour on our skin can make the world of difference when you look in the mirror, but with all the news about how damaging the sun can be it’s no wonder we haven’t all confined ourselves inside with SPF 50 Sun protection 365 days of the year!

Lets not forget that sunlight does have its advantages: controlled exposure to ultraviolet light is one of the best ways for the body to make Vitamin D, plus sunlight has been shown to help those suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

So lets talk about how maybe you can achieve a tan that lasts, without burning. We’ll start with what you can do before your holiday.

From four weeks before, make sure you get yourself properly hydrated by drinking 1-2 litres of water per day. This can help the skin stay supple and less likely to dry out. You can also start exfoliating your entire body once or twice per week to help remove the dead skin cells.

Finally, use a good quality moisturiser to help prevent skin from drying out. Remember, dry skin sheds faster and will take your tan with it!

The tips below may help you achieve a longer lasting tan. Remember – tan gradually. Frying yourself on the first day will only lead to burning, peeling, and long term damage right down to the base layer of your skin.

Enjoying The Sun Safely

Five rules to enjoy the sun without risk

1) Avoid the sun between 11am and 3pm when it is at its strongest and risk of skin damage is high. Take plenty of shade at this time.

2) You tan even in the shade. Skin that is not used to the sun is less able to protect itself. Under the influence of UV rays the skin begins to thicken and starts producing melanin. These processes take 10-20 days to take place, so use extra protection while your skin has time to adjust.

3) Use sun products with UVA + UVB protection and with an SPF suitable for your skin type and the location – SPF 15 may suit your skin in Bournemouth but is unlikely to provide adequate protection in Barbados!

4) Always apply sun protection in the shade, 15-30 minutes before you go into the sun. Make sure your skin is clean and dry. Pay attention to vulnerable parts of the body - nose, lips, eyebrows, ears, scalp, shoulders, chest, shins and feet. Children need extra protection. Keep babies and young children out of direct sunlight.

5) Beware of the reflection factor; water, concrete, sand, snow etc. will intensify the suns effect.

Our new look sun protection search feature will help you find your ideal Sun Protection. Simply use the intelligent search links on the left of the page.